Event Details

Electrifying possibilities and opportunities are reaching different industries. AVERE is pleased to share you with views from the mining industry on how also they go for electrification.

BHP, Rio Tinto and Vale โ€“ three world's largest mining and metal producers along with other ten mining companies have joined forces to initiate this exciting new collaboration, the Charge On Innovation Challenge.

This is a global challenge for technology innovators from all industries to develop new interoperable solutions that can assist in the electrification of mobile mining equipment to help reduce consumption of diesel fuel and significantly cut emissions, securing safety, productivity, and operational improvements.

Addressing climate goals needs to be at the core of the mining industry efforts. This initiative will be a great opportunity for key stakeholders to bring forward new ideas and encourage innovative technology developments to help solve one of the greatest challenges facing mining today.

In the Charge On Innovation Challenge webinar, we will provide you with insights of the program objectives and outline how as a solution provider you can tap into this supply opportunity.



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